Sound Healing

When thoughts take shape, they become energy forms. When these energy forms are combined with the vibrations of crystal singing bowls, they transform into more harmonic energy, which can shift brainwave frequencies and lead to potential changes in consciousness. This is why combining positive intentions, affirmations, and meditation with the use of crystals can result in remarkable healing effects.


Scientific studies show that sound can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems. Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound. The entire body, as well as our brain waves in a relaxed state, vibrates at a fundamental frequency of about 8 cycles per second, literally entraining and attuning us to the basic electromagnetic field of the earth itself!


What is sound?

Everything that moves vibrates, from the smallest molecule to the universe itself. As long as it is vibrating, it is making some kind of sound. We may not perceive the sound, as it may be below or above the threshold of our hearing. The human ear can hear sound vibrations between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second, although we also perceive sound by skin and bone conduction, ingesting and consuming it with the whole body.

Many cultures and religions revere sound so deeply as to believe it called the universe into being. For the Hindus, all was dark and quiet in the universe, until the first movement in the universe created the sound "AUM". It is the mother tone, containing the frequencies of all other sounds.

Sound healing is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. One of the most effective forms of sound healing is the use of crystal singing bowls and gongs. Here are some of the benefits of sound healing with these instruments:

  1. Promotes relaxation and reduces stress: The sound vibrations produced by crystal singing bowls and gongs help to calm the mind and promote relaxation. This can reduce stress levels and promote a sense of peace and well-being.

  2. Balances energy centers: Sound healing with crystal singing bowls and gongs can help to balance the body's energy centers, also known as chakras. Each chakra corresponds to different areas of the body and emotions, and when they are balanced, a person may experience improved physical and emotional health.

  3. Enhances meditation: Sound healing with crystal singing bowls and gongs can deepen meditation practices by creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere. The vibrations can help to clear the mind and promote a deeper state of relaxation, making it easier to achieve a meditative state.

  4. Supports immune system function: The vibrations produced by crystal singing bowls and gongs can help to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms. This can support immune system function and improve overall health and well-being.

  5. Alleviates pain and discomfort: Sound healing with crystal singing bowls and gongs has been shown to alleviate pain and discomfort in the body. The vibrations can help to release tension and promote circulation, which can reduce inflammation and improve healing.

In summary, sound healing with crystal singing bowls and gongs is a powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. By promoting relaxation, balancing energy centers, enhancing meditation, supporting immune system function, and alleviating pain and discomfort, sound healing can help individuals achieve greater health and well-being.

What are crystal bowls?

Crystal bowls are made from 99.992% pure crushed quartz and heated to about 4000 degrees in a centrifugal mold.

They are available in clear or frosted bowls in a variety of sizes, ranging from 6 to 24 inches in diameter. The bowls emit a powerful, pure resonance. The larger bowls are much more reverberant, with the tone lingering longer, simply because of the size and amount of crystal. The clear bowls, somewhat more expensive, are more readily available in smaller sizes.

The size of the bowl does not necessarily determine its note, although the larger bowls sound lower octaves and notes. Each bowl is tested with digital technology to identify its sound. One will have a sense of which tone "feels" most congruent with individual needs or desires. The notes, C, D, E, F, G, A, B correspond with one’s energy centers or chakras.

Some bowls harmonize with other bowls, and when both are played simultaneously, the effect is exquisite and synergistic.

Sound is useful for chakra resonance when coupled with clear intention. This may account for a number of existing systems which utilize different notes for the chakras and work."

It is said that Tibetan singing bowls are forged with a prayer in every hammer blow, infusing them with a million prayers of pure intention for the highest good.

Crystal bowls, too, containing the qualities of amplification, storage, transfer, and transformation, are powerful tools in effecting change in one’s life. It is important to approach the use of the bowls with a reverence for the potential contained in combining intention with the properties of crystal.