Canine Massage Therapy


Canine Massage Therapy

Canine massage therapy has several benefits for dogs, including:

  1. Pain relief: Canine massage can help relieve pain caused by injuries, arthritis, or other chronic conditions.

  2. Reduction of tissue swelling: Canine massage can reduce swelling in tissues caused by injuries or other conditions.

  3. Reduction of muscle tension: Canine massage can help relieve muscle tension caused by stress or physical activity.

  4. Improved circulation and tissue healing: Canine massage can improve blood circulation, which promotes tissue healing and recovery from injuries.

  5. Reduction of fibrous adhesions: Canine massage can help break up and reduce fibrous adhesions, which can cause discomfort and limit mobility.

  6. Improved range of motion: Canine massage can help improve joint flexibility and range of motion, especially in older dogs or those with arthritis.

  7. Emotional well-being: Canine massage has been shown to have a positive effect on a dog's emotional well-being, reducing nervousness, anxiousness, and hyperactivity.


Studies have shown that canine massage therapy can improve not only a dog's physical health, but also their emotional well-being. Massages are particularly beneficial for dogs who suffer from nervousness, anxiety, and hyperactivity, helping to alleviate these issues and promote relaxation.