Auricular Therapy
The World Health Organization (WHO), announced, in 1990, that Auricular therapy is “probably the most developed and best documented, scientifically, of all the “micro-systems” of acupuncture and is the most practical and widely used.”
Conditions Auricular Therapy Can Help
By stimulating the ear using ear seeds placed at specific points along the ear, one can help treat a number of conditions. The microsystem in the ear connects with the entire body and almost everything can benefit from the use of auriculotherapy. Some common conditions that auricular therapy treats include:
Chronic pain
High blood pressure
Functional disorders
Endocrine disorders
and general wellness care among many other benefits
Auriculotherapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for.
Traditional allopathic (Western) medicine looks to the ear as an organ that allows us to hear and helps with balance. Your outer ear however, has a much greater importance. It has a system of complicated nerve connections that allows for constant communication between the brain, ear and the body. When there is a problem , an imbalance in your body, our device can electrically detect it on the ear acupuncture points that correspond to the organs or tissue involved. By stimulating these acu-points we energetically trigger a natural healing response.
There are no direct nerve connection between the ear and the body but the nerve from the ear connect to the reflex center of the brain . When a specific acu-point is stimulated on the ear the neurological reflex sends messages down to the spinal cord and then to the nerves that connect to the corresponding part of the body.
Auriculotherapy is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting the physical, mental or emotional health of the patient are assumed to be treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively